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  • instrument transformer casting
  • simulazione-colata-alluminioThe casting simulation is a tool used in foundries to monitor the filling process of the aluminum into the mold, so check filling and solidification of castings and identify any critical areas.
    The simulation of the aluminum casting is achieved thanks to a software that performs a mathematical simulation of what happens during the process of filling and solidification within the mold steel, so as to check for any issues before moving to the machining of the mold.

  • prototipazione-rapidaSample metal ready in a few days at reduced costs

    And 'the desire of every engineering department have the champion of its 3D design in a short time to test requirements All this is possible thanks to rapid prototyping with fusion of metal (aluminum, iron, steel, bronze)

    With a lead time of 4-5 days we transform the 3D design in a sample equal in all respects to that of series

    The cycle of prototyping metal:
    1) Analysis of 3D mathematical model (feasibility study, construction drafts casting systems and simulation)
    2) Modeling of prestampo with parametric 3D CAD
    3) Printing premodelli and any anime with 3D printing machine (high-speed complex shapes are obtained, even in the undercut, made in sand Croning that can be employed in the foundry)
    4) casting, deburring and sandblasting
    5) any subsequent machining

    Need more information?

    Contact our technical-commercial staff

  • Aluminium casting

    Aluminium gravity casting: the ideal solution for your production

    The gravity casting is a process well known in the alloys field; it guarantees high accuracy on dimensions for the creation of components used in a lot of different sectors.

    It permits to give strength, durability and a very smooth and precise surface.

    Moreover, the aluminium gravity casting is a process that takes less time for solidification compared to other processes and has a reasonable production cost.


    How does it work?

    Differently from the other methods (die, centrifugal and continuous casting), the gravity casting consist in pouring the molten metal, usually aluminium, zinc or copper, from a pot into a specific mold, without the use of forces other than gravity.

    The alloy in solidification will take the shape of the mold and once the part is removed, the mold can be used again, guaranteeing a longer lifetime then the other casting processes.

    The gravity casting can be done in automatic or manual, it depends on the nature of the parts to produce, and it is very simple because you do not need vacuum, pressurized gasses or other forces.

    If you are wondering about the possible gravity casting defects in the production, do not worry: this is one of the best processes to have strong, durable and balanced alloy elements that are used also for components in heavy duty machines, aerospace and in medical device.

    Fonderia Taroni is a specialized aluminium gravity casting manufacturer and has been working with this process since 1974.

    If you are looking to lower your costs we can help re-engineering your parts we can help in the mold you need, assuring the best solution for your business.


    Contact us

    Europe Office
    Massimiliano Taroni
    email:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

    USA Office
    Massimo Pizziol
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  • From project to metal prototype in 7 days! Thanks to the metal rapid prototyping

    Taroni foundry offers quick rapid prototyping for metal parts. The most common type of metal prototyping is aluminum casting.  Rapid prototype aluminum castings can be created using investment casting or sand casting.

    Here is the photo gallery of the entire process:


    Benefits for the research and development department:

    • Quickly evaluate metal part design
    • Saving time and money
    • Produce metal prototypes in almost any metal material
    • Allow testing of the part in the actual production materials
    • Produce metal parts without expensive tooling
    • Reduce sampling time
    • Reduce lead time

    The cycle of the metal rapid prototyping:

    1. Analysis of 3D mathematical model (feasibility study, construction drafts casting systems and simulation) 
    2. Modeling of prestampo with parametric 3D CAD 
    3. Printing sampleswith 3D printing machine (high-speed complex shapes are obtained, even in the undercut, made in sand croning that can be employed in the foundry) 
    4. Casting, deburring and sandblasting 
    5. Any subsequent machining

    Request a quotation


  • rapid metal protocasting
  • Aluminium gear box with gravity die casting process

    Gearbox dimensions increase!

    Close to 1 meter high!
    68 kg gravity die casting!


    Taroni Foundry supplies aluminum castings for manufacturers of aftermarket components for trucks in Europe and United States of America

    The leading manufacturers of aftermarket truck components rely on the services of Taroni foundry for the production of aftermarket aluminum components / castings for trucks complete with machining and heat treatments.

    Taroni Foundry is able to supply aftermarket components for large finished trucks and also in low quantities (100 pieces per lot).


    Aluminum gravity casting: the ideal solution for your production

    The gravity casting is a process well known in the alloys field; it guarantees high accuracy on dimensions for the creation of components used in a lot of different sectors.

    It permits to give strength, durability and a very smooth and precise surface.

    Moreover, the aluminum gravity casting is a process that takes less time for solidification compared to other processes and has a reasonable production cost.


    Contact us

    Europe Office
    Massimiliano Taroni
    email:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

    USA Office
    Massimo Pizziol
    email:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

  • Aluminium gear box with gravity die casting process

    Gearbox dimensions increase!

    Close to 1 meter high!
    68 kg gravity die casting!


    Taroni Foundry supplies aluminum castings for manufacturers of aftermarket components for trucks in Europe and United States of America

    The leading manufacturers of aftermarket truck components rely on the services of Taroni foundry for the production of aftermarket aluminum components / castings for trucks complete with machining and heat treatments.

    Taroni Foundry is able to supply aftermarket components for large finished trucks and also in low quantities (100 pieces per lot).


    Aluminum gravity casting: the ideal solution for your production

    The gravity casting is a process well known in the alloys field; it guarantees high accuracy on dimensions for the creation of components used in a lot of different sectors.

    It permits to give strength, durability and a very smooth and precise surface.

    Moreover, the aluminum gravity casting is a process that takes less time for solidification compared to other processes and has a reasonable production cost.


    Contact us

    Europe Office
    Massimiliano Taroni
    email:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

    USA Office
    Massimo Pizziol
    email:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

  • From the 3D project of the customer is realized a sand mold which is cast the aluminum alloy desired.

    TIME: This technique ensures fast implementation ranging from 7 to 14 days, depending on the complexity of the project
    MATERIAL: It uses the same aluminum alloy melt in series
    TREATMENT: You can also do mechanical tooling on the prototype as well as leak testing and other pre-processing, verifying the quality of the project.


    Benefits for the research and development department:

    • Quickly evaluate metal part design
    • Saving time and money
    • Produce metal prototypes in almost any metal material
    • Allow testing of the part in the actual production materials
    • Produce metal parts without expensive tooling
    • Reduce sampling time
    • Reduce lead time

    The cycle of the metal rapid prototyping:

    1. Analysis of 3D mathematical model (feasibility study, construction drafts casting systems and simulation) 
    2. Modeling of prestampo with parametric 3D CAD 
    3. Printing sampleswith 3D printing machine (high-speed complex shapes are obtained, even in the undercut, made in sand croning that can be employed in the foundry) 
    4. Casting, deburring and sandblasting 
    5. Any subsequent machining

    Request a quotation

  • Abbiamo il piacere di comunicarvi che, in data 7 Novembre 2017, Fonderia Taroni ha ottenuto la certificazione di conformità alla norma ISO 13485 in materia di Sistemi di Gestione Qualità per Dispositivi Medici.

    La ISO 13485 è la norma internazionalmente riconosciuta per i Sistemi di Gestione Qualità nel settore dei dispositivi medici; è destinata ad essere utilizzata da qualsiasi organizzazione che si occupi di progettazione, sviluppo, produzione, installazione e assistenza tecnica di dispositivi medici o di servizi ad essi collegati.

    La ISO 13485 è uno standard di sistema di gestione qualità specifico per le aziende del settore medicale, che include aspetti dello standard ISO 9001 e requisiti specifici per il settore dei dispositivi medici
    La EN ISO 13485:2012 è stata armonizzata in considerazione delle tre Direttive Europee sui Dispositivi (Dispositivi Medici, Dispositivi Medici Diagnostici In Vitro e Dispositivi Medici Impiantabili Attivi), quindi la certificazione in accordo a questa norma da parte di un organismo di certificazione accreditato quale DNV-GL presume automaticamente il rispetto delle clausole specifiche presenti in queste tre direttive.

    Con il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo abbiamo valorizzato il nostro Sistema Integrato di Gestione Aziendale già certificato in base agli standard ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 a conferma dell’impegno, nei confronti dei nostri clienti, dell’ambiente e dei nostri dipendenti, al rispetto degli standard normativi di riferimento.

  • instrument transformer casting
  • instrument transformer casting
  • x ray trolly medical devices
  • x ray trolly medical devices
  • x ray trolly medical devices
  • La magia della trasformazione della lega d’alluminio. In Fonderia Taroni i lingotti di lega d’alluminio prendono la forma ricavata negli stampi d’acciaio trasformandosi in fusioni destinate a prodotti per, Medical Devices, Instrument Transformer, Mechanical Engineering, Transports, Pumps, Technical lighting

  • The magic of the transformation of the aluminum alloy. In Fonderia Taroni the aluminum alloy ingots take the shape obtained in the steel molds turning into castings for Medical Devices, Instrument Transformers, Mechanical Engineering, Transports, Pumps, Technical lighting

  • The magic of the transformation of the aluminum alloy. In Fonderia Taroni the aluminum alloy ingots take the shape obtained in the steel molds turning into castings for Medical Devices, Instrument Transformers, Mechanical Engineering, Transports, Pumps, Technical lighting

  • Save money in part price compare to sand casting.

    Payback of tool in les then one year. Also with low volume.

    200 pcs per year! Big burner more then 1 meter length !

  • We have expanded our production capacity by installing 2 new 1 ton electric furnaces each.
    In this way we have improved our melting capacity by 15%.
    Investments must be made to follow the growth of our customers!

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